
Wednesday 1 February 2012

Barry M Lip Paint in Coral/53


A bit of a battered, unloved lipstick that has remained at the back of my lip drawer for some time now, this lustre finish, coral toned lipstick has never been a favourite of mine. Even though it does a grand old job of making my blue eyes pop, I do not favour the colour on me at all. On the whole, I think the Lip Paints are probably the best product Barry M has to offer, however I do not like how there is no indication as to what finish the lipstick is on the tube, nor do I like how bad some of them tug on your lips!

Luckily this lipstick isn't the worst to pull, having dry lips I'm always very weary of being too rough with them. I actually think the formula is quite good even if I don't like it on me, but it's not really a lipstick that's meant to have an opaque finish. I love how it swatches and when I look back at the pictures of it I really wish it was a product I liked, it leaves a lovely shimmer and shine on your lips but unfortunately, is something that will remain unloved at the back of my drawer!

Do you have any products you forgot about?

Holly x

1 comment:

  1. This looks like such a difficult colour to wear, I'd love to see it on somebody though because it's quite pretty. The finish is lovely too :)

    Frances x (Giveaway now on)
    Twitter: @Francesss__


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